

Hello I am Jam a classical and electronic composer from Southern Canada

Commissions. Prices and Timing

The typical price for all of my musical pieces is around $110 (CDN) per minute of fully mixed audio. There are some exception where the price may vary as simpler pieces may have a reduced cost and more complex pieces will cost more.
The timing will typically be 1-2 weeks per minute of audio, timing may vary will demand and personal workload.

Do's and Don't's

VGM, IDM, EDM, Electronic, Ambient, Digital Fusion, Europop/Eurobeat, Classical Contemporary, Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop
Vocals, Cyberpunk, Metal, Rock

For inquires about commissions please connect me at:
Discord - fiblit
emial - [email protected]


All payments will be done over paypal.
All payments must be sent before I am expected to begin.
For larger commissions paying at 50% upfront is required.